Tuesday, December 21, 2010

6 Days and Counting...

     Well folks... it's 6 days to go before I board for Taiwan... It looks like I'll be staying in Seoul and missing my connection to Ho Chi Minh City and flying out the next day for Taipei. I'll have a layover in Shanghai, China and arrive on the 30th to start work and the learning process of being overseas. 
     While it's all very exciting to think about being in a new country with new people and new things to learn, it's still very real in knowing that I will be 10,000 miles away from family and friends and the comfort of home. I will be away from the food I'm used to, the town I'm used to, the friends I bug (haha), the stores and restaurants I know and all the things I know on a daily basis. I'm going to miss my son, my family and all that is important to me here in Montana and that is a very real and very scary feeling.
     I'll be leaving at 7am on Monday to fly into Seattle then across the pond to Seoul. I'll get to stay with my friend Ji-eun Lee and her family for the night and then leave early on the 29th for Taipei. I should be arriving the afternoon of the 29th to meet up with the team I'll be spending the month with to get settled in and taken care of. There is so much that will need to happen once I get there. I'll need to cover my rent for the month, my food, my travel card to be able to use public transportation and last but most importantly, getting hooked up with my instructor to learn Mandarin. So much to do and it all seems so overwhelming.
     But for now, I am focusing on getting packed and taking care of my rent and utility bills before I leave. Sushi and Sashimi will need to be fed and a schedule written up for my Community assistant to take care of them for me while I'm away along with Spike and his food and water. So, thank you friends and family while I prepare not only emotionally and mentally for this trip, but spiritually as well. I am hoping and praying to receive all that God has for me during this time and that he not only changes my life, but the lives of those I meet.
     Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts during this time. I love you all and am glad you are able to share this adventure with me!

In Christ,

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