Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Thoughts over Japan...

It’s hard to believe that I am flying over Japan and that we are 2 hours out from landing in Seoul… Dusk is hitting the skyline and casts a glow across the cloud layers. I had forgotten how beautiful it is up in the air. To think that this is happening is so surreal for me. 9 hours ago, I was sitting in the Seattle airport waiting for my flight to arrive. I must say that anxiety did set in somewhat once we began to taxi for take-off. The thought of flying over thousands of miles of ocean was a bit overwhelming. But I’m happy to be here. It has given me perspective on life and faith and trust in God and reminds me that all things through Him are possible.

We are about 850 miles outside of Seoul and you can feel the plane bank in the direction of South Korea. I haven’t been able to check my email and at this point in time, I have been able to sleep for a few hours off and on. I am thinking I may place my things in the hotel and go see the city. If it’s possible and if time allowed, I am hoping that my friend and sister Ji-eun received my email and will be able to meet me at the airport. I would really love to spend some time with my longtime friend before I leave tomorrow.

It’s meal time on the plane. I slept through the first one about an hour after we left Seattle, which was fine since I ate before we left. I am having chicken and rice with veggies, salad and fruit. I can see Japan below us… snow dusts the landscape and it’s funny to me. I’ve always wanted to see Japan, and well, I guess I get to. It looks like I’ll get to experience the sunset from up here tonight. I’ve always enjoyed that more anyways.
I miss my family. I wish that I had been able to speak with them before taking off. I really wanted to tell Iszac I love him and that I would see him soon. I know he knows that I love him, but it still would have been nice to hear his voice. I will send him a short video when I get to the hotel so he can at least see and hear me. I see and hear children on the plane and it makes me wish he were here with me. I would let him sit next to the window so he could look outside. He would really like that.

I’m trying to think about what it will be like away from friends and family. I know I’ll be in another place for a time, but I keep thinking about the opportunities I am gaining, the knowledge to put on a resume and the experience of putting into action what I have been working hard to learn. (Sidenote… this shrimp and crab salad is delicious. It has carrot, dill, a small bit of rice vinegar and baby shrimp with crab pieces… yum. ^_^). I even brought 2 of my applied anthropology books to refer to while I’m here. I figured I might need them when I go out and about and it would be good to have Van Willigen by my side to share with haha.
So I think that’s going to be it for now. I may write again tonight. I know that I still have some catching up to do from the last few days as I’m sure everyone is curious how I got to this point. It’s really an amazing story. So for now, Sleep well friends and family… I love you all.


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